
Description of Work

Project Duration: 1st December 2000 - 31st May 2002

InclusiveByDesign will be performed as a co-operative project (2 x Greece, 1 x Italy, 1 x Germany), with dedicated roles for each partner according to their thorough expertise in related areas such as design for all in information society technologies, user interfaces for all, business excellence, policy development, and user participation. The project will have two phases to elicit the framework of policy measures and initiatives required which render examples successful; these examples will be found through surveys and analysed in case studies.

InclusiveByDesign will produce concrete outcomes (preliminary and final report, web site) that will open opportunities for, and give input to, various branches of future follow-up activities. The outcomes are expected:

  1. to leverage the threshold of minimum requirements regarding information and communication technology accessibility for the various societal groups, which are affected by, or are at risk of being affected by exclusion;
  2. to contribute to a continuous European-wide business improvement process; and
  3. to provide policy makers with recommendations on mainstreaming inclusion in the key areas of employment, vocational training and education within an emerging knowledge economy and society.


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